Terry Dobson
Azusa Pacific University / USA
Nestled against the serrated mountain backdrop of a Californian foothill paradise is a sacred place of Christian teaching & learning. The beauty of Azusa Pacific as a university is also reflected in its commitment to developing a deep discourse on
diversity, equity, and inclusion. By engaging a variety of perspectives, fostering faith, and embracing active listening in a spirit of humility, APU advocates God’s love for all people (John 3:16). Within the subdued radiance of its picturesque campus, APU College of the Arts thrives on diverse artistry grounded in authentic faith. Design students leverage their creativity to serve departments across campus by working alongside faculty on real world projects.
Korean student, Yeji Choi collaboratively designed this poster with me for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences’ symposium, which visually depicts the positive benefits of the impact of Artificial Intelligence on human flourishing.