국제초대전         지난 초대전 보기         2023 탕산 국제초대전

A Journey of Expression: Harmony & Disso-nance

조회수 : 291

Soo Hostetler

University of Northern Iowa / USA

We see type everywhere. One aspect of the remarkable power of presenting type is the expressions of their physical gestures that can function powerfully as rhythmic 
visual imagery not only as narrative communication. The power of typographic vis-ual communication is its ability to express unbounded dimensions of emotion that dialogue 
with the beautiful world we live in. 

This design is one of 26 letterforms abstract designs in a series where this designer utilizes letterform to communicate experiences and emotions that have arisen in this designer’s life. The use of typography is the primary means of presenting ideas and messages for expressive communication in design. Each typeface has its own aes- thetic, expressive qualities, as evidenced by the visual attributes of its letterforms. Displaying type as a form provides a sense of the letterform's unique characteris-tics, 
abstract presentation and expressive quality. The title of the design, “A Journey of Expression: Harmony & Dissonance”, utilizes “V” letterform to represent a journey of experiences and expression of my life. My experiences and emotional sensibilities of life serve as the basis for the design of subjective and abstracted visual expres-sion that brings a wide range of circumstances to my surroundings.
